Saturday, September 19, 2009

Delonte West

So it's been a good minute since I last posted a story and I will tell there has been a lot of interesting things that has happened in the past couple of days.

Delonte Delonte Delonte...Delonte West was arrested Thursday night for speeding on his motorcycle and carrying loaded guns. He was just carrying one gun, no he had three guns, and just hearing where he had them and what type of guns makes this story interesting. So here it is; Delonte had a Beretta 9mm in his waist band, a Ruger .357 strapped to his leg, and a Remington 870 shotgun in a guitar case slung to his back. Sounds like to me he was ready for war, don't it?

Delonte was in Maryland traveling north on the Beltway in a three-wheeled motorcycle called a Cam-Am Spyder when he cut off an officer near Route 214,The cops pulled over Delonte for making an unsafe lane change, and when the cops approached the motorcycle, Delonte told him that he had a handgun in on his waist. It made the cops take precaution and call for backup, after searching him they found the other guns.

The cops still do not know why or where Delonte was heading with all that guns or why he was even in that area. When speaking to Delonte's father, Demitri West, he said that Delonte was always protecting himself and always looking behind his back. He also said that Delonte was always looking out for specific people and because he was concerned of his well-being as a high-profile athlete.

All I have to say is, first and for most, Delonte West is not all that big. He is usually known as that ghetto white boy who plays with the Cleveland Cavaliers and likes KFC. I think maybe he heard his girl was creeping with another man and so he was going over there to maybe scare the crap out of her. Well whatever he was doing, it was a dumb a really dumb thing to do. But, with all jokes aside, Delonte has been facing some depression moods since childhood and has been taking medication and going to counseling for it. Maybe he stop taking them and due to that, it has made him very paranoid. In whatever case, I just hope that he is okay and he can work through things. I just hate seeing players or people who is getting to their highest moment of their life and ruin it with something stupid.

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