So rumors has it that Reggie Bush had a side chick when he was dating Kim Kardashian. The other woman Carmen Ortega, a Miami model, said that she and Reggie had a thing for like 3 months while he was still with Kim. She also stated that Kim was also creeping on Reggie during their relationship. See at first I didn't what to believe, but Carmen said that she has proof of their relationship. On Lip Service, Carmen said that she had a sex tape with them together and she might let it out, she doesn't know yet.

But that's not even the worst part of it all, Carmen says that Reggie is cheaper than cheap. I always thought that the side chick got more than the main chick, but I was wrong. She said on Lip Service (I love Lip Service I must say), that he never gave her anything except plane tickets and dinner but that's all (like a hoe, feed her first, then take her home). She also said that when she asked for a simple thing from him, that's when they started to drift apart and ever since then they don't talk to each other anymore.

Now Reggie you see if you just bought her stuff and treated her like a true side chick, maybe all of this wouldn't have happened. But don't get me wrong, I love all of this so thanks for creeping with a chick that's trying to get known. But, the crazy thing about this is that most people out there right now are saluting Reggie (I know I am), for getting two chicks. Thank God you didn't catch anything from one of them (not naming any names, but it's not Kim).

So after the break up, Kim went blond (which I hate so much), and I do know that Kim still loves Reggie for a fact and wants him back. But, then I was hearing that the whole relationship was legit at first, but then ended up as just publicity. Supposedly, the relationship was over a while ago, but they continued to be together because of a paid trip to Africa and they didn't want to give the money back for it. I just hope that's not true at all, I pray it's not.

I really don't care what people think about the relationship personally. I want Reggie to grow up and Kim to slow down, so they can finally be together and get married and have kids. The problem to me is that Kim is rushing things a little too much for Reggie and Reggie is not ready for all that Kim is asking for. Yeah Kim is older than Reggie, but she needs to understand that his a professional athlete and athletes has other things on their mind. It takes time to get married, falling love not so much, but marriage yes it does. Reggie loves her, but he's not ready to marry her, and Kim need to accept that. Also I just hope that all this Carmen Ortega drama doesn't get in between their future together. Maybe Kim should have never admitted that they were dating, you do a Jay-Z and Beyonce on our ass, then maybe it will work.

Aren't they cute together?
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