But not a lot of people are happy with this; Bill Smith founder of Main Line Animal Rescue in the Philadelphia suburbs, said he will be renting three billboards near the Eagles' stadium blasting the signing of Vick.
"I'm really shocked that he's coming to Philadelphia. He kept talking about second chances. His dogs didn't have a second chance...There are a lot out there who deserve second chances more than Michael Vick," Smith stated.
Also the Philadelphia Daily news blasted the Eagles for the decision that they made in their headlines for today's edition stating "Hide Your Dogs" and "What Are They Thinking?" Also a national group said it would be watching to see if Michael Vick backs up what he pledges.

The owner of the Eagles, Jeffrey Lurie, said he did serious "soul searching" regarding Mike. Lurie said he met with Mike for hours and was convinced he can become a force in stopping animal cruelty.
"I needed to see a lot of self-hatred in order to approve this," Lurie said.

But don't think Donovann McNabb will feel threatened with this signing. No, McNabb has been talking to the front office asking them if it was possible to get Mike on the team. McNabb and Mike has been friends for a while now and McNabb believes that Mike deserves a second chance and thinks being with the Eagles would also help the team become better.
Head coach of the Eagles, Andy Reid, called Mike "one of the greatest quarterbacks" in the league two years ago. With McNabb being the starting quarterback no matter what, Mike will have to look at playing another position. The best scenario I could think about is that the Eagles will use him to play the Wildcat offense that the Miami Dolphins made popular last season. But Coach Reid still has not said how he will use Mike.
"I will say, though, that he will contribute. You can ask defense coordinators on other teams if they're worried about that," Reid stated.
But I must say, all of this would have not happened if it was for former head coach, Tony Dungy. Dungy now mentor and advisor of Mike truly did helped Mike get where he is right now. Without Dungy visiting Mike in prison and saw that he is remorseful about what he has done and is a changed man, we would have never believed him and the commissioner would have probably not let him back in the league so soon. I love the fact that Dungy gives people another chance and sees things in people that we would not take the time to see.
"I really got the sense he wanted to do some great things. He wanted to be a positive role model for young people. He wanted to get back to his family," Dungy stated.
Mike has three kids, a seven year-old boy, a four year-old girl (and like he said going on fourteen), and a one year-old girl; he also has a fiance. Don't worry everybody, Mike will keep his number while playing in Philadelphia.
So in his condition of being reinstated, Mike will be able to play in the last two preseason game and be allowed to do everything with the team except play in the games until week 6. I'm happy that Mike is back and will finally get to play and show his skills and prove that he hasn't missed a beat. I only wish the best for him. I really really want the Eagles to win the Super Bowl this season now. McNabb, Westbrook, and Mike needs ring. Can't wait til the last two preseason games to see
how he is, and he comes back playing against the Washington Redskins, can't wait for that also. I wish he was playing for the Miami Dolphins, but this works too. :)
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