Cleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James stated that he will not sign an extension with the Cavaliers until 2009-2010 season is over and he knows that they are going to win.LeBron's contract ends after the 2009-2010 season and he will become a free agent searching for a new team. LeBron said he will wait til the season is over and then decide whether to stay or leave.
After coming short in making it to the NBA Finals last season losing to the Orlando Magics, the Cavaliers went out and searched for better players to help them get to the Finals this season and keeping LeBron in the long run. They went out to get center Shaquille O'Neal, foward Jamario Moon, gaurd Anthony Parker (who is also Candice Parker's big brother), and working on signing foward Leon Powe.
Hoping this will help the Cavs win a title and keeping the star forward happy, the Cavs front office are pulling everything out of their hats to make LeBron happy. Ireally don't know if this will help LeBron stay. I think it will be very shocking if goes to me personally; Cleveland is his home, all of his family and hometown friends live in Ohio. All of his childhood and career started in Ohio, and not to mention his charity and organization is in Ohio. Why leave? I think he will be the highest paid athlete of all time when he becomes a free agent, it only depends on which team will be paying him. Cleveland Cavaliers or some other team. I don't know I honestly can't see him play for any other team, It's like Kobe leaving the Lakers or Jordan leaving the Bulls. Guess we will all find out next year. CAN'T WAIT!!!!! :)
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