But now I'm not going to blame everything on Tony, Jessica was expecting Tony to give her and engagement ring which I don't think Tony was ready for. But stories say that he was ready but Jessica was too jealous and knowing Tony I don' think he was ready for all that. I mean we all saw Jessica's show with ex-husband Nick Lachey "Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica."
And now Tony is creeping around with a chick that looks just like Jessica to me. I guess he likes blonde chicks that look alike. I mean his first girlfriend that we knew about was Carrie Underwood, American Idol winner. And his new girl he is seen going around with looks kind of just like both of them just not rich and famous.

Tony Romo and ex-girlfriend Carrie Underwood

There has been many rumors of the reason fo their break up. One that I believe is so false is that Kim was creeping around with Knaye West. I mean Kanye doesn't even look like Kim's type to me and that would be a definite downgrade for Kim. Now I think the main reason that Reggie Bush and Kim Kardashian broke up was because they weren't ready for marriage, well Reggie wasn't ready for marriage and living the life that Kim was living. Reggie is only 24 years-old just starting on his football career and has a lot of things he want to do. While Kim is turning 28 years-old turning 29 in October ready for marriage and babies.You know Kim wants to be married before living with her man and I don't think Reggie wants to do all that just yet.

Also I don't think Kim is really over her ex-boyfriend Ray-J and the whole sex tape. So I think the only way she can move on in arelationship successfully is if she gets over the past and moves on in her future. I hope they can work it out and in the future they can get back together. I think if God wants them together, then they will be together.

I wonder with this break up will Reggie actually do good this season, and actually play good enough so the Saints fans won't regret drafting him. Don't Reggie Bush and Tony Romo's situation sound the same to you?
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