Monday, September 7, 2009

Shawne Merriman

It's sad to say that my lovable talented supposed to be his comeback season Shawne Merriman was arrested Sunday morning around 3:45 AM for supposedly choking and not letting his 'girlfriend' leave his San Diego home. The girl involved is (in the words of Gloria Velez), the "4'11" midget, Myspace hoe, no-talent bitch Tila Tequila (remember it all came from the mouth of Gloria Velez not me).

After the Chargers game, Tila, Shawne and other players of the Chargers went to the club and partied it up. Tila and Shawne went to Shawne's home in San Diego; something went wrong, cops were called and Shawne went to jail while Tila went to the hospital. Now they are two sides of every story and here they are:

Shawne claims that Tila was very intoxicated and he didn't want her to leave until she had a safe transportation back home. But Tila said that is all false cause she doesn't drink:

" I am allergic to alcohol. It has been publicly known for years. That is how I got the name Tila 'Tequila' cause the irony. I can't drink. I put all of my love and faith in God. I am only 93 pounds and 4'ft 11. The truth will set you free....GOD is with me."

It is kind of hard to believe that a 6'ft 4 265lb linebacker would choke a 4'ft 11 p3lb girl and her not still being in critical condition or something. Also the fact that she says she can't drink is bullshit; we all did see her show on MTV, and she was drinking. Also she has tweeted about herself getting drunk and shit like that. I think she is taking things way out of proportion and if this continues, it will fuck up Shawne's career for good. Hopefully Tila comes out and tells the truth about it all. I also just hope that Shawne learns from this and leaves her alone for good.

Here's a statement from Shawne:

"The San Diego Sheriffs Department responded to a citizen's complaint that was initiated by Tila Nguyen (aka Tila Tequila). I was taken into custody based upon that complaint. At the time, I was concerned about her welfare given the intoxicated state she appeared to be in and I encouraged her to stay until safe transportation could be provided. We would all do our best to help a friend if we considered their actions to be detrimental to their personal safety. I in no way caused any harm to Ms Nguyen, however paramedics were called and she was examined but no injuries were reported. She was released and has since returned to Los Angeles, California. There have been no charges filed against me. I want to thank the San Diego Sheriffs Department for their professionalism. I will continue to cooperate and fully with the Department and I look forward to clearing my name regarding these false allegations. I want to put this behind me so I can continue to focus on a successful season for the San Diego Chargers."

Can I just say this, I knew something like this would have happened since the first time they and that whole situation with Shawne's ex-girlfriend.I will keep you guys posted on this story of course...hopefully in the next couple of days the truth comes out or everybody mouth.

Here is some pictures of Tila and Shawne prior to the whole situation:

non girlfriends or chicks you're not fucking doesn't do all this with you in the club.

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